My 5 Favourite Christmas Posts.

My 5 Favourite Christmas Posts.

Hello my lovelies and Happy Christmas! It’s been an absolute madhouse for me over the last month, and to be completely honest I’ve not had a chance to write up any new posts for the festive period; one of those reasons is because my older sister is about to have her third baby!

So, today, instead of a new Christmas post today, I’m going to go through my favourite posts I’ve written for the festive season over the past few years! And with that, let’s get into it!

1 . Top 20 Christmas Movies!

Christmas Movies Banner

Let’s face it, with everything that’s been going on in 2020, none of us has been going out, and now is the perfect time to snuggle down and have a movie marathon with all our favourite Christmas movies.

2 . My Christmas Decorations.

My House At Christmas Banner

Who doesn’t love looking at other people’s Christmas decorations?! Each year we decorate my house like mad, and it essentially ends up looking like a Santa’s grotto haha, this year we’ve added loads of lights outside!

3 . Easy Naughty Christmas Elf Ideas.

Elf on the Shelf banner

I haven’t seen many naughty Christmas elves this year but this post still makes me smile, especially the one above with the nutella and peanut butter! It’s the little things at this time of year that add up to making this time period great.

4 . Easy DIY Pine Cone Santas.

Easy DIY Pine Cone Santas Banner

Ok, so I only put this post up a few weeks ago, but I love these simple easy diy Santa gnomes! I’ve now decorated one of our Christmas trees with them and they are a great way to make your tree a little different this year instead of just the usual baubles.

5 . Easy Christmas Nails.

Easy Christmas Nails Banner

I can’t believe I wrote this post about 2 years ago! It really is crazy how time flies. And even though this post is from 2018, I still really love the nail art I did here!

So, those are my favourite Christmas posts from the past few years! I absolutely love this time of year, the decorations, lights, food, giving gifts and the time we get to spend with family! This year will obviously be a little different in terms of being able to spend lots of time with all our families, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun and be grateful for what we have got!

I hope you have a great Christmas everyone! And a very happy new year!


Victoria Blog Signature
My 5 Favourite Christmas Posts
My Christmas Decorations.

My Christmas Decorations.

Hello my lovelies and a very Happy Christmas to you all! This year, the festive season has been busier than ever before for me, and I can’t wait to tell you why in the new year! (I’m not pregnant, or getting married or moving.. It’s weird how that’s immediately what everyone thinks huh!)

But anyway, even with it being so busy this year, I’m still finding time to enjoy the festivities with family and friends. Some of my favourite things about Christmas are, the food (duh! Who doesn’t love a good roast dinner!), spending time with my loved ones, playing games, getting my loved ones gifts and showing kindness, and of course the decorations!

That brings me onto today’s post, just like last year, it’s that time in December where I get to show you what my house is looking like this year! To see how my house looked last year, click here!

Well, enough of me chatting, I’ll leave you with some photos of my Christmas decorations!

And that’s all from me for today, what’s your favourite Christmas decoration? I personally love all of the lights, they make any room instantly cosier! What’re you doing for Christmas this year? Let me know in the comments!

I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas full of love and fun!


Victoria Blog Signature
My house at christmas pin
Top 20 Christmas Movies!

Top 20 Christmas Movies!

Hello my lovelies!! We’re finally in December and the Christmas countdown has begun! As someone who loves Christmas, I will be watching loads of Christmas movies all throughout this month, and I won’t lie, I definitely watched loads last month too.

But with that said, what are the top Christmas movies to get you in the spirit? That’s where today’s post comes in, I thought why not do a Christmas countdown with movies! Basically, a movie advent calendar to lead you up to Christmas and boxing day. So get your cosy pyjamas on and some snacks ready!

So, with that said, let’s get into it!

1 . Nightmare Before Christmas. It’s the perfect transition film into the festive season if you’re having to persuade your very own Grinch or Scrooge to watch a Christmas film.

2 . Die Hard. A Debatable Christmas Classic, but this is another one to ease you into the Christmas spirit! Do you class Die Hard as a Christmas film?

3 . Chicken Run. Ok, so it’s technically not a Christmas film but I only seem to watch this one around this time of year, just like how I watch Wallace and Gromit at this time of year too.

4 . The Polar Express. The polar express is my mum’s personal favourite for Christmas cheer so of course I had to include this one! Old steam trains and snow, what more could you ask for!

5 . Miracle on 34th Street. An old classic, which you can’t go wrong with if you’re after a slightly older more traditional Christmas film!

6 . Nativity. Ok.. so I couldn’t find a Nativity gif so here you can have this one of Martin Freeman which makes me laugh way too much. My family love Nativity and it’s a great one for kids!

7 . The Holiday. If you love a rom-com here you go! Cosy cottages and wine rambles!

8 . Love Actually. Everyone loves ‘Love Actually’, but I’ve never been that fussed about it personally, but I can deny that it does feel Christmassy in spirit so I understand why people love it so much.

9 . Jingle All The Way. Arnold Schwarzenegger running around trying to get his son a toy. Need I say more?

10 . The Grinch. This one is great for the kids, and adults to be honest. It’s bright, colourful and hilarious! Also, if you haven’t seen this one because you think it’s the same as the classic, then you’re wrong because it’s a semi-different storyline!

11 . The Christmas Chronicles. I literally just re-watched this one. It’s a Netflix own film that is funny and has a great musical number in jail!

12 . Deck the Halls. You ever feel the need to compete with your neighbours Christmas light show? What about going nuts because you want to see your house from space?

13 . Wallace and Gromit. Just like ‘Chicken Run’ my family always seem to see this around Christmas time, it doesn’t really matter which one is showing, because they’re all pretty great!

14 . Muppets Christmas Carol. Two words: A CLASSIC.

15 . Arthur Christmas. This is such a heartwarming, cute and funny Christmas film that kids will love!

16 . The Snowman. This is a film that everyone has grown up with and knows the soundtrack to, and it’s one of the first Christmas movies I’ve ever seen, so I had to include it!

17 . Home Alone. Classic Christmas! Who else has imagined what they’d do to boobytrap their own home?

18 . Elf. Will Ferrell dressed as an elf running around New York with people not realising it’s for a film? Yes please!

19 . How The Grinch Whole Stole Christmas. My favourite! We can all relate to the Grinch and Cindy Lou, and I just love this one. It’s hilarious!

20 . Gremlins. Don’t feed them after midnight! If you’ve never seen Gremlins, believe me when I say you’re in for a treat! I just watched this in a 4DX cinema with snow, moving chairs and loads of other special effects and it was brilliant!

And those are my favourite Christmas films to watch over the festive season! My personal favourite is ‘The Grinch Who Stole Christmas’ because who doesn’t love Jim Carrey as the Grinch, I mean talk about ICONIC.

What’s your favourite Christmas movie? Is it on my list? Let me know in the comments! And last but not least, stay tuned to see what my house looks like at Christmas!

I hope you’re all having a happy and safe Christmas so far!


Victoria Blog Signature
Christmas Movies Pin
Easy Elf On The Shelf Ideas.

Easy Elf On The Shelf Ideas.

Hello my lovelies! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! (Well, it nearly is.. it’s pretty much December in my eyes). Have you got your tree up yet? If you know me and my family well then you’ll know that my Christmas tree is up straight after Halloween! We love Christmas so much and my house pretty much becomes Santa’s grotto for the festive season.

Elf on the shelf idea

With December is just a few days away, lots of elves will start to appear on shelves very soon; and with that, lot’s of parents are going to need to have a whole host of ideas to keep their elf busy whilst the kids are asleep.

That’s where this post comes in, to help you all out with some ideas for when you’re stuck, I’ve put together a list of easy ideas that’ll only take a few minutes to do with a few games from last years edition of elf games thrown in!

So without any further ado, here’s some elf on the shelf ideas!

1. His or Her arrival!

Elf on the shelf idea

2 . Zip line fun!

Elf on the shelf idea

3 . Hanging out with Santa.

Elf on the shelf idea

4 . Wanna decorate gingerbread?

Elf on the shelf idea

5 . Reindeer food.

Elf on the shelf idea

6 . Getting started on the Christmas dinner.

Elf on the shelf idea

7 . Time to start writing those Christmas cards!

Elf on the shelf idea

8 . S’ELF’care day!

Elf on the shelf idea

9 . A bit of light reading.

Elf on the shelf idea

10 . Marshmallow snowmen and women!

Elf on the shelf idea

11 . Forget reindeer, we’ve got duckies!

Elf on the shelf idea

12 . Snowelves.

Elf on the shelf idea

13 . Spider-Elf.

Spider Elf Dress Up

14 . Toilet roll snowman.

Elf on the shelf idea

15 . Candy cane noughts ad crosses.

Candy Canes and Baubles Noughts and Crosses

16 . Ok.. I had to include this one because we were laughing so much at how much this pepper looked like a butt.. so, here we have ‘Keeping Up With The Elf-ians’.

Elf on the shelf idea

17 . Where’s Elfie?

Where's Elfy?

18 . Hot chocolate anyone?

Elf on the shelf idea

19 . Candy cane hunt!

Candy Cane Hunt

20 . Date night for Elfie. Do you like his bowtie?

Elf on the shelf idea

21 . Pun/book hunt! (Have Elfie hide the books for everyone to find!)

Elf Book Hunt

22 . Which cup has the candy canes?

Elf on the shelf idea

23 . Bedtime box!

DIY Elf Bed

24 . Melted snowman.

Elf on the shelf idea

And of course for Christmas day you can have your elf with your presents! I love Christmas for so many reasons, food, family, feeling the festive spirits, the aesthetics and of course the memories.

Some people aren’t a fan of parts of Christmas like doing the elf of the shelf, but one reason why I love it is because it creates great memories for kids! They get to wake up each day seeing their elf doing something funny in the lead up to Christmas day and all of the people helping the elves get into position get to have a giggle doing it too!

If you’re after more elf ideas, you can check out more naughty Christmas elf ideas from last year here too! What’s you favourite elf idea? Let me know in the comments!

Have a great weekend my lovelies!


Victoria Blog Signature
My House At Christmas

My House At Christmas

Christmas is nearly here!! And that means that homes all over the globe are sparkling with fairy lights, tinsel, ornaments and baubles! Ever wanted to look at other people’s homes at Christmas time to see how they decorate?

Well, this year I’m going to give you a little peak of my home and it’s many decorations! Anyone that knows me knows that the Christmas tree has been up since the beginning of November..(We have no shame at all!) and that this is my family’s favourite time of year.

So, before I get started on this little home tour, here’s a gorgeous Pinterest board I’ve made of Christmas decorations, table settings and general festive loveliness!

Now you’ve seen some pretty pictures to get you in an even more festive mood, here’s what my home looks like at this time of year!

Here’s most of my house’s decorations!

Here’s my favourite photos from my Christmas Decorations!

I can’t help but feel like that last photo is a Christmas Card waiting to happen haha!

So that’s my home at this time of year! Believe it or not we usually have even more trees and decorations, but we’ve been having work done on the house and it’s only just finished. What’s your favourite Christmas decoration? I love our Santa and our trees!!

Merry Christmas lovelies!! Love,

Victoria Blog Signature

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Easy Christmas Nails

Easy Christmas Nails

Merry Christmas everyone! Christmas parties are in full swing and that means not only am I looking for outfit inspo on Pinterest and Instagram, but also Christmassy nails that you can actually do yourself at home. So I decided to try a few of the designs out for myself to see what ones are actually doable for all of us at home!

1 . Classic Red and Gold.

Red Christmas Nails

These were simplest to do, just paint your nails red, let them dry and then add a simple tree onto either your ring finger or any other finger you want to stand out! This one can be done with any colours too if you’re not into red nails!

2 . Candy Cane Stripes.

Candy Cane Nails

It’s impossible to mention Christmas nails and not add some candy cane stripes into the mix. I did these by painting my nails white, then adding on the stripes with a small brush, if you’re a bit shaky when doing your non-dominant hand, get someone else to paint the stripes for you!

3 . Christmas Puddings!

Christmas Pudding Nails

These went pretty well, I didn’t have a green nail polish so the holly leaves on these ended up being a gold shimmery colour, but I think the glittery look makes these even more festive.

4 . Snowmen.

Snowman Nails

Who doesn’t think of snowmen when they think about Christmas and Winter time? This are so easy to do and only require 2 nail polishes at the very least! A white for the base and another one for the snowmen faces, you can use a different colour for the carrot noses if you want too. These are a classic for Christmas nails!

5 . Blue and White Christmas.

Blue Christmas Nails

I think these are my favourite out of all the designs because it’s something I haven’t really seen that much and because even though this is one of the more complicated designs, it can still be done at home. Also, these nails will look elegant in any colour! For these I painted all the nails white except for the navy glitter one and then added all of the designs on with a small brush (any kind of brush should do the trick as long as it’s small! I use a tiny acrylic paint brush.)

6 . Pinky Nude Snowflakes.

Nude Christmas Nails

These are another favourite of mine, when I think of pinky nude colours I don’t really think of Christmas; and that is what makes these perfect for the person who wants a bit of festive cheer that isn’t screaming at you in the face. For these I used the same method as the above nails!

Which nails do you like best? I think I’ll be going with the blue and white or pinky nude designs, I love the different patterns on the nails with a bit of sparkle! Are you planning on having your nails done for a party? Let me know what you like for your Christmas nails in the comments below!

Merry Christmas lovelies!


Victoria Blog Signature

The UKBlogAwards voting is now open! It would mean the world to me if you could vote for me (the weight of my worlds)! You can vote here!

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Elf On The Shelf Games

Elf On The Shelf Games

Merry Christmas everyone! The kids are soon breaking up for the Christmas holidays which means not only planning what you’ve bought/buying them, but coming up with fun ways to get the kids in the Christmas spirit! That’s why I’ve come up with 6 easy games you can do with the kids with your ‘Elf on the Shelf’!

Let’s get into it!

1 . Candy Canes ‘n Baubles! (Noughts and Crosses).Candy Canes and Baubles Noughts and Crosses

This one’s a simple and easy one to create; it’s a Christmas version of noughts and crosses and if you wanted to do this one over a few days I’m sure your Elf will take his turn whilst the kids are asleep! And if you wanted you can make the grid even bigger, add more baubles and candy canes!

2 . Candy Cane Treasure Hunt.Candy Cane Hunt

Here’s a great game that can be played over and over again with the help of your Scout Elf! I think all kids like a good treasure hunt don’t they?! And with candy canes being so cheap, why not do a treasure hunt with them! You can even swap the candy canes for other treats or even mini Christmas crackers.

3 . Elf – Who am I?

Spider Elf Dress UpSpider Elf Dress Up

This game takes a little more prep than the others; but I promise it’ll be worth it! This game is great fun for both adults and kids; it involves picking a celebrity, character or other famous person etc. and dressing up your Elf as that person and getting your loved ones to guess who your Scout Elf is!

4 . Where’s Elfie?

Where's Elfy?Where's Elfy?

My family loved this one, partly because we love a certain series of books that sound like ‘Where’s Holly?'(you get the idea) … if your kids have loads of toys, put them in a group and hide your Elf within the toys and give the kids the challenge of finding their Scout! This game can be repeated several times and you can add a time limit for searching to add a little suspense.

5 . DIY Elf Bed! DIY Elf Bed

Since your lovely ‘Elf on the Shelf’ will be staying with you over the Christmas period, you’ll want them to be comfortable when they’re having a nap; so why not use some of those boxes from all of your Christmas shopping and make your Elf his very own bed! You could even make him a house if you wanted!

6 . Riddle, Elf Book or Joke Hunt!Elf Book Hunt

I love this one, it can be used as a cute morning ‘Elf on the Shelf’ prop and for a game. For this game all you have to do is make as many little Elf books as you want, write in them (in very tiny handwriting..) either riddles, puns or parts to a story, and hide them around your house! If you’d like this can be a daily thing with one tiny book hidden per day for the kids to find!

All of the games and activities can be altered and tweaked to suit you and your family. A few more activities you could do with your ‘Elf on the Shelf’ are:

  • Elf portraits
  • Elf hide and seek
  • Making the perfect Elf dinner
  • Building an house/cottage for your Elf
  • Making your Elf their own special table for their Christmas dinner

Those are just a few extra ideas you can have a go at! And please let me know if you try any of these out and which one is your favourite. Oh, and don’t forget to register your Scout Elf and receive your adoption certificate and a special message from Santa! I hope you enjoyed this post my lovelies, and have a very Merry Christmas!


Victoria Blog Signature

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My Christmas Gift Guide

My Christmas Gift Guide

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And that means shopping is in full swing, and for those of you who aren’t sure what to buy for your family and friends, I’ve put together my own gift guide of presents to give you some ideas!

So, without any further adieu; here’s some gifts that are perfect for the home decorators, foodies, creatives, bookworms, tea, coffee drinkers and makeup lovers!

1 . HA Lettering create gorgeous personalised boards, photo props, room décor and Christmas Baubles! And all of these are for a pretty small price! You can order them here. Board prices vary on the size/personalisation and the baubles are £5 for 3 or 1 for £2! (Limited stock of baubles left so get your orders in!)

2 . Here’s a gift perfect for the book and nostalgia lovers – Quentin Blake illustrations that will make you smile. You can buy these at the London Science Museum and a select few of these gifts can be purchased here! I absolutely love these, they aren’t expensive and I loved seeing Quentin Blakes illustrations in Roald Dahl’s books when I was younger!

Fifty scams

3 . For the conspiracy theorist – fifty outrageous scams and hustles. I found this at TK Maxx and it’s perfect for those who love a good crime show and those who love telling weird and wonderful stories.

Calligraphy pens

4 . Here’s one for the creators! These gorgeous brush pens are great for calligraphy and drawing; you can get these from Arteza on Amazon.

Phone Lens

5 . For the selfie lover and photographers: clip on camera lenses! You can get these from Tesco here!


6 . Candles are a great gift idea for anyone really, if you know what sort of scents they like, these are an easy yet thoughtful gift! You can find this candle on Amazon by Yankee Candle here.

Help for the heros

7 . If you know a tea or coffee lover then this gift and the next are for them! This Help for the Hero’s mug gift set if great for anyone in the forces and anyone else who loves a hot drink really! You can find it in Tesco stores.


8 . Here’s a great gift for a horror, creepy critter or tea/coffee lover. I love this one, especially because it’s something I haven’t really seen before! You can find it here on Amazon by Creature Cups.

Glass bowl

8 . For the person who loves home décor. I found this in TK Maxx along with several other gorgeous bowls and plates; perfect for a centre piece or even as somewhere to put your jewellery. You can find it here!

Makeup brushes

9 . For the makeup lovers! This brushes set is perfect for anyone who’s wanting to get into makeup or expand their current set of brushes! This set can be found at Beauty Bay (my favourite shop for brushes and makeup that’re a good price!), you can also find singular brushes, sets, makeup palettes etc. there!


10 . Hair straighteners are a great gift for those who spend hours on their hair; these ones by BaByliss are my mums current favourite, she said they make her hair feel soft and loves that you can see what temperature you’re at. You can get these from Amazon here!

Lips tin

11 . Here’s one for the person that loves all things selfcare! Not only does this contain small items that’re great for a little tlc on the go, but it also comes in a super cute tin! You can get it from Tesco in store or online.

Mr Gentry

12 . For the guy that loves some facial grooming; this trio of products include a shower gel, a shaving gel and an after shaving balm. You can get it from Tesco instore or online!

Beard trimmer

13 . Here’s another one for the guy that loves to keep his facial hair in tip top condition; the beard bib! You can get this from Mo Bro’s, they sell all things facial hair: beard oils, combs, conditioners and more!


14 . I love this one so much! Here’s my favourite item in this gift guide, possibly because I’m a bit of a magpie and love anything sparkly, especially jewellery! And this bracelet by Cote D’Argent is not only gorgeous but also adjustable. You can find bracelets like this one in TK Maxx.

Baby toy

15 . For the little ones who don’t fully realise that Christmas is even a thing yet. I like this toy as it has lot’s of textures, sounds and things a baby can hold onto to chew! You can get this one from Lamaze on Amazon.

Hot sauce

16 . For the foodies! If you’re buying for a foodie, the chances are you’ve got either a general idea of what sort of thing they would like or absolutely zero idea altogether. And that is why I think that a gift like this hot sauce taster set is perfect! You get a choice of 8 sauces all of them unique! You can get this set from Tesco instore.


17 . If you’re needing a little stocking filler for someone with a sweet tooth, these peppermint lollypops are super cute and cheap! You can get them from Tesco instore or online here!

I hope you find this guide useful! Finding the perfect gift for that special someone always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (cheesy I know). And seeing their face when they open it is just amazing. Let me know in the comments below what you’re favourite gift is!

Merry Christmas lovely!


Victoria Blog Signature

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