Easy DIY Snowmen.

Easy DIY Snowmen.

Hello my lovelies!! It’s less than two weeks until Santa Claus comes! Woohoo! Who’s excited for Christmas? I know I certainly am! I love the food, being around family and friends and of course the decorations. Which brings me to today’s post, easy DIY snowmen decorations!

I’ve made for several years now as decorations for the festive season and as gifts for the people I care about. These can be used as door stoppers or just as a festive ornament for the wintery season!

Oh, and did I mention how cute they are? Here’s the cuteness we’re dealing with:

See what I mean? A D O R A B L E .

So, onto what you need to make them:

  • White socks (Mens sport socks are great – mine are Tescos basics)
  • Embroidery or thick thread
  • Fabric or socks that you don’t mind cutting up to make a hat and scarf!
  • Buttons
  • Rice or lentils
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun (not necessary but faster then sewing by hand!)
  • Any other decorations!

Now that you know what you need, let’s get into the steps to make one!

Step 1 . Fill one of your white socks with rice or lentils. (I did two cereal bowl fulls).

Step 2 . Double up your sock with another and tie the top to keep the rice in. Then cut the excess sock off the top.

Step 3 . Grab some white thread and double it over, and tie it around your snowman’s body to create its neck and tie it off.

Step 5 . Next up is eyes! Grab black thread (or whatever colour you want!) and sew on some eyes, and if you want you can even add buttons or beads for the eyes!

Step 6 . Time to add a nose! Pick an orange bead or thread and sew on the nose.

Step 7 . Guess what? There’s only 3 steps left! Pick a sock that you want for the snowman’s hat, put it on the snowman’s head and decide how tall you want the hat to be and cut off the excess.

Step 8 . Time to sew up the top of the hat! Sew it together however you like and you can add any accessories to it if you want, I’ve added a pom pom to this one!

Step 9 . We’re on the final step! Time to make the scarf. Cut a sock (or whatever fabric you want to use) into a long strip and glue the edges down facing the middle with a hot glue. Next fold the strip in two (horizontally) and wrap them round your snowman. Depending on the scarves length you can either tie it or glue it down.

Step 10 Snowmen

Step 10 . Viola! You have a snowman! Repeat these steps and you’ll have yourselves a family of snowmen in no time!

Here’s all of the snowmen I’ve made over the years for decorations and a few I’ve made recently as gifts!

And those are my snowmen! Featuring a Snowlamb because why not!? What’s your favourite snowman of the bunch? Let me know in the comments! Have you made any Christmas DIY’s? What’s your favourite decoration/gift to make?

And with that, I hope you’re all having a very happy Christmas so far and I’ll see you next week!


Victoria Blog Signature
Top 20 Christmas Movies!

Top 20 Christmas Movies!

Hello my lovelies!! We’re finally in December and the Christmas countdown has begun! As someone who loves Christmas, I will be watching loads of Christmas movies all throughout this month, and I won’t lie, I definitely watched loads last month too.

But with that said, what are the top Christmas movies to get you in the spirit? That’s where today’s post comes in, I thought why not do a Christmas countdown with movies! Basically, a movie advent calendar to lead you up to Christmas and boxing day. So get your cosy pyjamas on and some snacks ready!

So, with that said, let’s get into it!

1 . Nightmare Before Christmas. It’s the perfect transition film into the festive season if you’re having to persuade your very own Grinch or Scrooge to watch a Christmas film.

2 . Die Hard. A Debatable Christmas Classic, but this is another one to ease you into the Christmas spirit! Do you class Die Hard as a Christmas film?

3 . Chicken Run. Ok, so it’s technically not a Christmas film but I only seem to watch this one around this time of year, just like how I watch Wallace and Gromit at this time of year too.

4 . The Polar Express. The polar express is my mum’s personal favourite for Christmas cheer so of course I had to include this one! Old steam trains and snow, what more could you ask for!

5 . Miracle on 34th Street. An old classic, which you can’t go wrong with if you’re after a slightly older more traditional Christmas film!

6 . Nativity. Ok.. so I couldn’t find a Nativity gif so here you can have this one of Martin Freeman which makes me laugh way too much. My family love Nativity and it’s a great one for kids!

7 . The Holiday. If you love a rom-com here you go! Cosy cottages and wine rambles!

8 . Love Actually. Everyone loves ‘Love Actually’, but I’ve never been that fussed about it personally, but I can deny that it does feel Christmassy in spirit so I understand why people love it so much.

9 . Jingle All The Way. Arnold Schwarzenegger running around trying to get his son a toy. Need I say more?

10 . The Grinch. This one is great for the kids, and adults to be honest. It’s bright, colourful and hilarious! Also, if you haven’t seen this one because you think it’s the same as the classic, then you’re wrong because it’s a semi-different storyline!

11 . The Christmas Chronicles. I literally just re-watched this one. It’s a Netflix own film that is funny and has a great musical number in jail!

12 . Deck the Halls. You ever feel the need to compete with your neighbours Christmas light show? What about going nuts because you want to see your house from space?

13 . Wallace and Gromit. Just like ‘Chicken Run’ my family always seem to see this around Christmas time, it doesn’t really matter which one is showing, because they’re all pretty great!

14 . Muppets Christmas Carol. Two words: A CLASSIC.

15 . Arthur Christmas. This is such a heartwarming, cute and funny Christmas film that kids will love!

16 . The Snowman. This is a film that everyone has grown up with and knows the soundtrack to, and it’s one of the first Christmas movies I’ve ever seen, so I had to include it!

17 . Home Alone. Classic Christmas! Who else has imagined what they’d do to boobytrap their own home?

18 . Elf. Will Ferrell dressed as an elf running around New York with people not realising it’s for a film? Yes please!

19 . How The Grinch Whole Stole Christmas. My favourite! We can all relate to the Grinch and Cindy Lou, and I just love this one. It’s hilarious!

20 . Gremlins. Don’t feed them after midnight! If you’ve never seen Gremlins, believe me when I say you’re in for a treat! I just watched this in a 4DX cinema with snow, moving chairs and loads of other special effects and it was brilliant!

And those are my favourite Christmas films to watch over the festive season! My personal favourite is ‘The Grinch Who Stole Christmas’ because who doesn’t love Jim Carrey as the Grinch, I mean talk about ICONIC.

What’s your favourite Christmas movie? Is it on my list? Let me know in the comments! And last but not least, stay tuned to see what my house looks like at Christmas!

I hope you’re all having a happy and safe Christmas so far!


Victoria Blog Signature
Christmas Movies Pin
Easy Christmas Nails

Easy Christmas Nails

Merry Christmas everyone! Christmas parties are in full swing and that means not only am I looking for outfit inspo on Pinterest and Instagram, but also Christmassy nails that you can actually do yourself at home. So I decided to try a few of the designs out for myself to see what ones are actually doable for all of us at home!

1 . Classic Red and Gold.

Red Christmas Nails

These were simplest to do, just paint your nails red, let them dry and then add a simple tree onto either your ring finger or any other finger you want to stand out! This one can be done with any colours too if you’re not into red nails!

2 . Candy Cane Stripes.

Candy Cane Nails

It’s impossible to mention Christmas nails and not add some candy cane stripes into the mix. I did these by painting my nails white, then adding on the stripes with a small brush, if you’re a bit shaky when doing your non-dominant hand, get someone else to paint the stripes for you!

3 . Christmas Puddings!

Christmas Pudding Nails

These went pretty well, I didn’t have a green nail polish so the holly leaves on these ended up being a gold shimmery colour, but I think the glittery look makes these even more festive.

4 . Snowmen.

Snowman Nails

Who doesn’t think of snowmen when they think about Christmas and Winter time? This are so easy to do and only require 2 nail polishes at the very least! A white for the base and another one for the snowmen faces, you can use a different colour for the carrot noses if you want too. These are a classic for Christmas nails!

5 . Blue and White Christmas.

Blue Christmas Nails

I think these are my favourite out of all the designs because it’s something I haven’t really seen that much and because even though this is one of the more complicated designs, it can still be done at home. Also, these nails will look elegant in any colour! For these I painted all the nails white except for the navy glitter one and then added all of the designs on with a small brush (any kind of brush should do the trick as long as it’s small! I use a tiny acrylic paint brush.)

6 . Pinky Nude Snowflakes.

Nude Christmas Nails

These are another favourite of mine, when I think of pinky nude colours I don’t really think of Christmas; and that is what makes these perfect for the person who wants a bit of festive cheer that isn’t screaming at you in the face. For these I used the same method as the above nails!

Which nails do you like best? I think I’ll be going with the blue and white or pinky nude designs, I love the different patterns on the nails with a bit of sparkle! Are you planning on having your nails done for a party? Let me know what you like for your Christmas nails in the comments below!

Merry Christmas lovelies!


Victoria Blog Signature

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