Pride Month Movie Watchlist.

Pride Month Movie Watchlist.

Hello my lovelies! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! This month will be my second pride month since coming out and so far it’s been a month of fun, love and learning. So, since it’s pride, I thought I’d share with you 10 LGBTQIA+ movies you should put on your watchlist for this month (even though every month is a good month to support gay and queer media).

Before we get started, here’s a pair of very cute trousers that I picked up at Lucy and Yaks which are perfect for pride and are incredibly comfy! Bonus points because they’re a small business who are all about sustainable clothing that’s unique and comfy!

Now that you’ve seen one of my cute pride photos, let’s get into some movies you should watch! I’ve added in all of their trailers so I’ll leave the descriptions short and sweet for you!

In no particular order:


Pride is one of my favourite comfort movies, it’s based on the true story about the UK gay activists who worked to help the miners who were in strike in 1984. It’s a feel good movie about a part of the LGBTQIA+ and uk history, and it has a load of actors you’ll recognise in it!


This is such an important film for a range of reasons. The main one being that it takes an in-depth look at the representation of the transgender community and the impact of their stories on transgender lives in American culture. It’s a must watch for everyone in my opinion!

Kinky Boots

Another movie based on a true story! This one I usually watch near Christmas for some reason, maybe its just because it’s always on telly at that time of year; this movie is the story of a men’s footwear factory in Northamptonshire that was struggling and turned to making ‘kinky boots’ after they gained a new creative consultant in the form of a drag queen.

Billy Elliot

This movie is also usually shown around Christmas time, it must be something about the festive season that gets all the feel good movies out on the telly again. I’d be surprised if you didn’t know about Billy Elliot, but in case you don’t, it’s a story of a young boy who decides to swap his boxing lessons for dance after finds a passion for ballet. It’s a story all about challenging toxic masculinity and stereotypes.

Bohemian Rhapsody

I debated putting this one on here, and I think it’s because people don’t really associate this film with being a part of the LGBTQIA+ genre, but it’s a movie that is filled with such great music and although it has mixed reviews, it’s still a good time when watched with friends and singing at the top of your lungs!


Prom is a new release from Netflix, and I wanted to mention it on here because it made me laugh, made me cry and was an easy watch, something that we all need every now and again. Plus, who doesn’t love a cheesy bright movie you can sing along to?

But I’m A Cheerleader

I found this movie recently and it’s instantly become a favourite of mine. One of the reasons is that it’s all about conversion therapy which is something I’m very passionate about stopping; but it’s actually somewhat of a comedy movie about how conversion therapy doesn’t work – and if you think putting a load of gay people in camps together is going to magically make them straight you’re very wrong.

Call Me By Your Name

This one is on so many LGBTQIA+ movie lists and of course I couldn’t leave it out. It’s a story about first love of a teenager played my Timothée Chalamet who falls for his fathers intern who is staying with them for the Summer. Don’t forget to grab some tissues (being an empath I cry at everything so maybe that’s just me)!


Carol is a story of an older woman who gets into an affair with an aspiring photographer in the 1950s in New York after meeting in a department store in Manhattan. It’s a great film that is not only gorgeous to look at but also shines a light on the hidden lesbian sub-culture that existed in the 1950s.

Love, Simon

Love Simon is a coming of age story that focuses on finding yourself, coming out and the ups and downs of falling in love. It’s a great movie to watch with friends or when you want some me time with all the snacks in the world to just chill out to.

And with my list at its end, go watch some queer focused content, spread love and remember that there’s always room to continue learning and educating yourself. If you’re wanting to learn more about LGBTQIA+ history you can check out my post here.

Whilst you’re here, here’s some support services you can access if you’re in need of some support:

  • LGBT Switchboard – this is an LGBT+ helpline which is 100% confidential where you can talk about anything. You can call them on 0300 330 0630 (10am-10pm everyday).
  • MindLine Trans+ – which is a confidential mental and emotional health support helpline for people who are transgender, gender fluid, agender or non-binary. You can call them on 0300 330 5468.
  • And here’s a big list of support services that Stonewall have put together!

Have a fabulous weekend my loves and an amazing Pride Month!!


Victoria Signature
My 5 Favourite Christmas Posts.

My 5 Favourite Christmas Posts.

Hello my lovelies and Happy Christmas! It’s been an absolute madhouse for me over the last month, and to be completely honest I’ve not had a chance to write up any new posts for the festive period; one of those reasons is because my older sister is about to have her third baby!

So, today, instead of a new Christmas post today, I’m going to go through my favourite posts I’ve written for the festive season over the past few years! And with that, let’s get into it!

1 . Top 20 Christmas Movies!

Christmas Movies Banner

Let’s face it, with everything that’s been going on in 2020, none of us has been going out, and now is the perfect time to snuggle down and have a movie marathon with all our favourite Christmas movies.

2 . My Christmas Decorations.

My House At Christmas Banner

Who doesn’t love looking at other people’s Christmas decorations?! Each year we decorate my house like mad, and it essentially ends up looking like a Santa’s grotto haha, this year we’ve added loads of lights outside!

3 . Easy Naughty Christmas Elf Ideas.

Elf on the Shelf banner

I haven’t seen many naughty Christmas elves this year but this post still makes me smile, especially the one above with the nutella and peanut butter! It’s the little things at this time of year that add up to making this time period great.

4 . Easy DIY Pine Cone Santas.

Easy DIY Pine Cone Santas Banner

Ok, so I only put this post up a few weeks ago, but I love these simple easy diy Santa gnomes! I’ve now decorated one of our Christmas trees with them and they are a great way to make your tree a little different this year instead of just the usual baubles.

5 . Easy Christmas Nails.

Easy Christmas Nails Banner

I can’t believe I wrote this post about 2 years ago! It really is crazy how time flies. And even though this post is from 2018, I still really love the nail art I did here!

So, those are my favourite Christmas posts from the past few years! I absolutely love this time of year, the decorations, lights, food, giving gifts and the time we get to spend with family! This year will obviously be a little different in terms of being able to spend lots of time with all our families, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun and be grateful for what we have got!

I hope you have a great Christmas everyone! And a very happy new year!


Victoria Blog Signature
My 5 Favourite Christmas Posts
Halloween Movies and TV Series Watchlist.

Halloween Movies and TV Series Watchlist.

Hello my lovelies! We’re in October, and that means we’ve got 3 weeks until Halloween! So this week I’ve decided to give you a list of halloween, spooky season movies and tv series that are perfect for watching in the lead up to Halloween. Plus, I’m making this list especially for the scaredy cats like me, so you won’t find any horror movies here!

So, grab yourself some snacks, your favourite cosy blanket and your pj’s, and let’s get into it!

1 . Halloweentown – I watched this for the first time the other day and it is great! It’s a easy feel good halloween movie.

2 . Hocus Pocus – I love this movie. It’s perfect for watching with the entire family and I can’t help but smile when I watch it!

3 . Beetlejuice – A little spookier but with a great dance number that I think we will all be singing for days to come!

4 . Shaun of the Dead – Not one for the little kids, but an absolute classic. And a forever favourite with my family.

5 . Casper – You can’t really go wrong with a friendly ghost!

6 . Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit – Perfect for the little kids, my niece and nephew love this one.

7 . Corpse Bride – Tim Burton doing what Tim Burton does best!

8 . The Nightmare Before Christmas – An all time favourite that can be rewatched over and over again and still not be bored with it. It’s the perfect bridge between halloween and christmas!

9 . Coraline – Freaky alternate universe with buttons for eyes.. spooky no?

10 . Ghostbusters – Whether you like the originals or the new version, ghostbusters is a must for halloween!

11 . Coco – Cute, good music and an easy watch; just don’t forget some tissues!

12 . Monster Inc – An oldie but a goodie. This one’s great to watch with the kids, I can’t believe some kids nowadays haven’t seen monsters inc before, I even had the game!

13 . The Craft – You must’ve seen this challenge going around on tiktok at the moment where you lift your friends up with your fingertips, well if you have, now you know where it’s from!

14 . The Addams Family – Funny, and an absolute classic. Tell me you’re not singing the song in your head right now?!

15 . The House with a Clock in its Walls – A recent addition, and who doesn’t love a movie with Jack Black?

16 . Goosebumps – This movie is great for when you’re not a massive fan of scary films but don’t mind being spooked a little.

17 . Buffy the Vampire Slayer – I started watching Buffy last week and now I’m into season 3 (all of it is on Amazon prime at the moment!), it’s super addictive with vampires, demons and high school drama!

18 . The Witches – Maybe skip this one if you’re freaked out by old school special effects, this one I have a love hate relationship with. It’s a classic, but the special effects creep me out a lot, but not so much I won’t watch it!

19 . Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – I remember watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch when I was little, so was so excited when Netflix brought out the chilling adventures of Sabrina a few years ago; and I was not disappointed!

20 . Stranger Things – I love stranger things, it’s just an amazing series and once you start watching it I guarantee you won’t stop! And even if you have seen it before, rewatching it never gets old!

21 . Dark Crystal – I have the movie (from what feels like a lifetime ago) on dvd, and Netflix has filmed a series of it! If you know the movie, give the series a go for some nostalgia!

22 . Edward Scissorhands – Johnny Depp with a million pairs of scissors for hands, who would’ve thought he’d make such a good barber?!

23 . E.T. – This film is perfect for halloween and christmas. I guarantee you’ll be able to find the on the telly on repeat over the next few months, and I’m not surprised because who doesn’t love e.t. and wish they had their own friend from another planet?

24 . The Goonies – An oldie but an a oh so goodie. This one is a must for any halloween movie marathon.

This list is by no means in order from best to least best, because what I put on the telly definitely depends on what sort of spook I’m in the mood for! But those are just a few of my favourite Halloweeny movies and tv shows that I think are perfect for watching around this time of year!

So, what are your favourite shows and movies to watch around this time of year? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great weekend my loves, and I hope you’re enjoying this spooky season!


Victoria Blog Signature
Top 20 Christmas Movies!

Top 20 Christmas Movies!

Hello my lovelies!! We’re finally in December and the Christmas countdown has begun! As someone who loves Christmas, I will be watching loads of Christmas movies all throughout this month, and I won’t lie, I definitely watched loads last month too.

But with that said, what are the top Christmas movies to get you in the spirit? That’s where today’s post comes in, I thought why not do a Christmas countdown with movies! Basically, a movie advent calendar to lead you up to Christmas and boxing day. So get your cosy pyjamas on and some snacks ready!

So, with that said, let’s get into it!

1 . Nightmare Before Christmas. It’s the perfect transition film into the festive season if you’re having to persuade your very own Grinch or Scrooge to watch a Christmas film.

2 . Die Hard. A Debatable Christmas Classic, but this is another one to ease you into the Christmas spirit! Do you class Die Hard as a Christmas film?

3 . Chicken Run. Ok, so it’s technically not a Christmas film but I only seem to watch this one around this time of year, just like how I watch Wallace and Gromit at this time of year too.

4 . The Polar Express. The polar express is my mum’s personal favourite for Christmas cheer so of course I had to include this one! Old steam trains and snow, what more could you ask for!

5 . Miracle on 34th Street. An old classic, which you can’t go wrong with if you’re after a slightly older more traditional Christmas film!

6 . Nativity. Ok.. so I couldn’t find a Nativity gif so here you can have this one of Martin Freeman which makes me laugh way too much. My family love Nativity and it’s a great one for kids!

7 . The Holiday. If you love a rom-com here you go! Cosy cottages and wine rambles!

8 . Love Actually. Everyone loves ‘Love Actually’, but I’ve never been that fussed about it personally, but I can deny that it does feel Christmassy in spirit so I understand why people love it so much.

9 . Jingle All The Way. Arnold Schwarzenegger running around trying to get his son a toy. Need I say more?

10 . The Grinch. This one is great for the kids, and adults to be honest. It’s bright, colourful and hilarious! Also, if you haven’t seen this one because you think it’s the same as the classic, then you’re wrong because it’s a semi-different storyline!

11 . The Christmas Chronicles. I literally just re-watched this one. It’s a Netflix own film that is funny and has a great musical number in jail!

12 . Deck the Halls. You ever feel the need to compete with your neighbours Christmas light show? What about going nuts because you want to see your house from space?

13 . Wallace and Gromit. Just like ‘Chicken Run’ my family always seem to see this around Christmas time, it doesn’t really matter which one is showing, because they’re all pretty great!

14 . Muppets Christmas Carol. Two words: A CLASSIC.

15 . Arthur Christmas. This is such a heartwarming, cute and funny Christmas film that kids will love!

16 . The Snowman. This is a film that everyone has grown up with and knows the soundtrack to, and it’s one of the first Christmas movies I’ve ever seen, so I had to include it!

17 . Home Alone. Classic Christmas! Who else has imagined what they’d do to boobytrap their own home?

18 . Elf. Will Ferrell dressed as an elf running around New York with people not realising it’s for a film? Yes please!

19 . How The Grinch Whole Stole Christmas. My favourite! We can all relate to the Grinch and Cindy Lou, and I just love this one. It’s hilarious!

20 . Gremlins. Don’t feed them after midnight! If you’ve never seen Gremlins, believe me when I say you’re in for a treat! I just watched this in a 4DX cinema with snow, moving chairs and loads of other special effects and it was brilliant!

And those are my favourite Christmas films to watch over the festive season! My personal favourite is ‘The Grinch Who Stole Christmas’ because who doesn’t love Jim Carrey as the Grinch, I mean talk about ICONIC.

What’s your favourite Christmas movie? Is it on my list? Let me know in the comments! And last but not least, stay tuned to see what my house looks like at Christmas!

I hope you’re all having a happy and safe Christmas so far!


Victoria Blog Signature
Christmas Movies Pin
Top 15 Halloween Movies.

Top 15 Halloween Movies.

Hello my lovelies! How’s everyone’s spooky season going? I have to admit, this month is absolutely flying by! And since Halloween is nearly upon us, and I’m too old to go out trick or treating and am a bit of an introvert, I decided this weeks post will be about what I’ll actually be doing on Halloween night. Watching all of my favourite Halloween/Spooky movies!

Side note: None of these movies that I’ll be listing will be horror movies.. I’m a huge scaredy cat and have probably only watched about 3 in my lifetime and am not a fan. So if you’re like me and don’t do scary Halloween movies, then this post is for you!

So, without further adieu, grab your popcorn and snacks and let’s get into it!

1 . Hocus Pocus.

Let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be a true Halloween movie marathon without Hocus Pocus in the line up would it? It’s a classic! Watch it with Disney Life or it’s £4.99 on Amazon Video!

Raul Julia Lovers GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

2 . The Addams Family.

You can’t go wrong with the Addams Family, it’s such a funny film and how can you not love their weird quirky ways! Watch it for £3.99 on Amazon!

Joe Dante Gremlins GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

3 . Gremlins.

I don’t know if this is a Christmas or Halloween film or both, but it’s a classic and you can’t really go wrong with something most people relate to time spent with family. Watch it for £3.99 on Amazon!

4 . Beetlejuice.

I love Beetlejuice, it’s such a different Halloween film to the others, and it’s one I’ve grown up with so I can’t go without seeing this film near Halloween. And it’s now in the theatre and you can see it live! Watch it for £4.99 on Amazon!

5 . The Haunted Mansion.

Who doesn’t love Eddie Murphy?! He’s hilarious and if you’re not a fan of this film, just close your eyes and envision it’s donkey talking haha. Watch it on Disney Life or it’s £4.99 on Amazon.

6 . Shaun of the dead.

This one’s for families with older children, and just anyone who’s not into really family orientated films. This makes me laugh every time I watch it and it’s one of those films nearly everyone has seen and loves. Watch it on Netflix!

Moon Bicycle GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

7 . E.T.

If you haven’t heard of E.T., where have you been all your life! If you love this family classic, then this will already be on your list for Halloween and Christmas movies. It’s on Amazon for £7.99 on Amazon or on Disney Life.

Harry Potter GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

8 . Harry Potter.

If you know me, you know I’m a Harry Potter nut so of course the entire Harry Potter series had to be included on here. Watch with Amazon, or might already own them!

9 . Casper.

You won’t go through Halloween without seeing at least one person dressed up as a ghost, so of course Casper had to be included on here. Watch Casper on Netflix!

Johnny Depp Art GIF by Tech Noir - Find & Share on GIPHY

10 . Edward scissor hands.

After thinking about all of the films you only ever see on the TV around occasions like Christmas and Halloween, I realised that I haven’t seen Edward Scissor Hands for a while, and Tim Burton Films are always perfect for Halloween night. Watch on Disney Life or it’s £7.99 on amazon.

11 . Goosebumps.

I love Jack Black, so why not include Goosebumps on the list for spooky season! I found this film a bit creepy and spooky, so it’s a great choice for older children who are into films that are on the spookier side. Watch for free on Netflix!

12 . Wallace and Gromit – The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.

Wallace and Gromit are a family classic in my house, and my niece and nephew love this film so much so of course it had to be included. Watch on Netflix!

13 . Corpse bride.

Another Tim Burton classic. A man practices his wedding vows in a graveyard, and doesn’t realise he’s said them to an undead corpse bride! What could go wrong? Watch on Amazon prime!

Logo GIF by Ghostbusters - Find & Share on GIPHY

14 . Ghostbusters.

Who you gonna call? (I’m not sorry haha). Whether it’s the new or classic versions of Ghostbusters, what’s more Halloweeny than people hunting ghosts? Bonus points if you watch the one with the Marshmallow man whilst eating marshmallows! Watch the originals on Netflix (the second one from the originals) and Amazon!

15 . Coraline.

Creepy yet cool. I’ve never seen a film like Coraline since it’s release, and if you bought his on DVD when it first came out, you may have the 3D version with glasses that I have! Watch with Sky cinema!

Tim Burton Christmas GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

16 . Nightmare before Christmas (honerable mention)

I had to give an honourable mention to the Nightmare Before Christmas because I was definitely brought up watching this one around Halloween and then of course Christmas. The film starts the day after Halloween, so it seems fitting to watch this one at the end of the night! Watch on Disney Life, Sky cinema and it’s £4.99 on Amazon!

And those are my top 15 (16 if you include Nightmare Before Christmas) movies to watch if you’re staying in on Halloween. What’s your favourite Spooky Season film? Let me know in the comments!!

Remember to stay safe over Halloween, and if you’re carving pumpkins, be sure to check out my pumpkin carving post with free downloadables!

Have a Happy Halloween my lovelies!


Victoria Blog Signature
Halloween Movies pin
Chick Flicks For When You Need A Good Laugh/Cry

Chick Flicks For When You Need A Good Laugh/Cry

We all have those days where you just need a good laugh/cry. That’s why I’ve decided to make a list of a few films that are a little cheesy, will make you laugh a little and cry a little (well you might cry a lot if you really get into films like me)! These types of films are good for when you need to just chill out or I sometimes put one of these films on whilst I’m cleaning and doing other stuff because they’re so easy watching!

So, here’s 10 chick flicks/feel good movies that are great for a girls night in or just for when you need a good laugh and cry with some ice cream and chocolate! I highly recommend watching these whilst using your self care kits because who doesn’t love chocolates, face masks and pampering yourself! Let’s get into it:

Letters To Juliet DVD

1.Letters to Juliet.

Bridget Jones Diary DVD

2.All of the Bridget Jones Diary films.

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants DVD

3.The Sisterhood of the travelling pants.

10 Things I Hate About You DVD

4.10 things I hate about you.

Princess Diaries DVD

5.Princess Diaries.

Two Weeks Notice DVD

6.Two Weeks Notice.

What A Girl Wants DVD

7.What a girl wants.

Leap Year DVD

8.Leap year.

He's Just Not That Into You DVD

9.He’s just not that into you.

What's Your Number DVD

10.What’s your number.

Well.. those are just 10 films I love to watch when I just need a good laugh and cry (I’m a big movie watcher so I could go on for hours about what you could watch so I capped myself at 10). Also, a lot of these films are currently available on Amazon Prime and Netflix so you can watch most of them for free if you’re a Prime or Netflix user! And that’s it! What films do you like for a girls night in or just chilling out with some ice cream in bed after a long day? Let me know in the comments!! Have a great weekend everyone!


Victoria Signature