My Top 5 Tips For Avoiding Burnout.

My Top 5 Tips For Avoiding Burnout.

Happy Saturday my lovelies! I hope you’ve been well and have been keeping cool in the heatwave we’ve been having!

So, as you may have noticed, over the last few weeks I’ve not been writing as consistently as I usually do; and that’s because I’ve had a lot going on in my personal life (family in and out of hospital, my own health challenges and just generally quite a lot of stressful stuff going on). And that’s on top of working full time whilst studying, running my own business, writing my blog, trying to keep up with my many hobbies and starting dating.

I noticed that I was struggling to sleep, feeling tired all the time and just couldn’t focus on anything for more than 5 minutes; and I realised that I was very quickly going towards burnout if I didn’t take some time out to relax and have a break. I was taking on way too much, with not enough hours in the day and wasn’t addressing how I was feeling; and if I wasn’t careful, I was going to crash very soon.

So, what did I do about it?

Well, obviously I can’t change what’s out of my control that’s causing me stress, but what I can do is adjust the things that are in my control. And with that in mind, I decided to take one of two weeks off from writing my blog to just sit like a potato and do nothing, listen to some audiobooks, practice a little selfcare and then I luckily had some time booked off for what was going to be a trip to Corfu before the lovely pandemic hit. Instead of going to Corfu I took a trip to the small little village of Holmrook with my family and then we climbed Scafell Pike!

Taking that trip to the middle of nowhere was exactly what I needed. I couldn’t get any signal in the area, was surrounded by nature and just completely unplugged from my day to day and spent time with myself.

Plus, on the climb I got to see some incredible views!

Climbing the mountain was so relaxing, don’t get me wrong, it was bloody hard work and I my legs killed me for the next three days, but it was the perfect 5 hours in nature surrounded by streams and greenery that I needed to fully escape my day to day life.

Since coming back from my trip I have taken some more days to relax and reorganise some of my time so I’m not overwhelmed, and I definitely feel better for it!

So, what are my top 5 tips for avoiding burnout?

  1. Know your own limits, and don’t feel bad saying no when you need to.
  2. Find time to unplug. Turn off social media, ignore your inbox, put your phone on do not disturb and take a moment to just be with yourself.
  3. Sleep! Getting a good night sleep affects us is so many ways, it’s our body’s way of healing, so don’t feel guilty for getting more sleep than usual! If you’re tired, that’s your body’s way of telling you to take a beat and rest.
  4. Make time for the things you enjoy, and remind yourself that you’re allowed to take some time to do hobbies instead of feeling like you should be spending all your extra spare time working on some other ‘hustle’.
  5. Accept and acknowledge how you’re feeling, and don’t be afraid to reach out for support and take a break from the day to day.

Make time for yourself, know that it’s very common nowadays to experience burnout, but I hope that these tips help you avoid it if you can!

What do you like to do to manage your stress levels? Have you taken some time out recently to go somewhere nice to relax and unplug? I’d love to know if you’ve got any spots you’d recommend!

That’s all from me for today my lovelies! Have a good weekend and stay safe!


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